Britain's Prince Charles has commissioned portraits of D-Day veterans.

Britain's Prince Charles

Britain's Prince Charles

The paintings have been displayed at the Palace of Holyroodhouse in Edinburgh, Scotland as part of an exhibition titled 'The Last of the Tide'.

In a brochure available to visitors, the heir to the throne writes: "I am delighted to introduce this exhibition of portraits of veterans of the D-Day landings and very much hope that all who see it will share my belief that this wonderful collection of paintings captures the spirit, resolve, warmth and humanity of these remarkable men.

"It seemed to me a tragedy that there were no portraits of D-Day veterans, hence this collection of remarkable old soldiers from the regiments of which my wife and I are Colonel or Colonel-in-Chief."

Meanwhile, veteran Eric Johnstone, who was part of the 4th/7th Royal Dragoon Guards, was pleased that history was being "remembered".

He shared: "I am proud to have served in a victorious British Army and am very conscious of the sacrifice of many of my comrades.

"History should be remembered and I am grateful to The Prince of Wales for commissioning this exhibition."

The 'Last of the Tide' exhibition will run from today (15.01.16) until late March.

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