Britain's Prince Andrew reportedly "rammed open" a gate to avoid a one mile detour.

Britain's Prince Andrew

Britain's Prince Andrew

The incident is said to have happened when the 56-year-old royal drove down a road restricted by gates in Windsor Great Park. When the sensors didn't work, he allegedly smashed his £80,00 Range Rover into the gates to force them open.

A park worker told The Sun newspaper: "It was a crazy thing to do and we are jokingly calling it 'ParkGate'. But seriously, he has a bit of a reputation for roaring around like Toad of Toad Hall and he seems to think he can do what he likes.

"The gate stops deer roaming and the Prince uses it as a short cut. For some reason the sensors didn't work. Instead of going a mile out of his way, he just decided to ram it open."

The incident has put the gates out of operation for the time being whilst it is fixed and is also said to have caused damage to the car and it is thought it will cost a four figure sum to fix.

Meanwhile, Graham Smith, the chief executive of Republic - an anti-monarchy organisation - has confirmed he has reported the incident to the police.

He said: "I was given a reference number - I'm not sure if that makes it a recorded crime but I've reported it. I expect the police to deal with this matter just as they would if the suspect were another person.

"I cannot believe an ordinary member of the public would not be prosecuted for deliberately damaging these gates with their car. This is a matter of principle: will the royals be treated the same as the rest of us or is there a different law for them?"

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