Britain's Duke of Cambridge "personally requested" a meeting with Indian women to discuss the issues affecting them.

Britain's Duke of Cambridge

Britain's Duke of Cambridge

The 33-year-old royal was keen for himself and his wife, the Duchess of Cambridge, to meet up with locals so he could "hear directly from women working to support other women and girls".

A spokesperson for Kensington Palace said: "The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge met with a group of Indian women to hear about a range of issues affecting women and girls in the country.

"The meeting was convened at the personal request of The Duke who wanted an opportunity to hear directly from women working to support other women and girls. He also wanted to get a sense of work being done to help young women to achieve their full potential and for men to become more supportive of the women and girls in their lives."

During the meeting, the royal couple spoke with domestic abuse survivor Sunita Jaiswal.

The spokesperson continued: "The Duke and Duchess also met with Sunita Jaiswal, a survivor of domestic abuse, who thanks to the support of the Azad foundation, has turned her life around and has now provided a stable future for her daughters ...

"She told The Duke and Duchess that the confidence she gained through training allowed her remaining fear 'to flow out of her' and she now faces the future with optimism. She and The Duchess discussed the importance of mothers helping their daughters to develop strategies to become independent women."