Britain's Duke of Cambridge believes the world has five years to save the rhino.

Britain's Duke of Cambridge

Britain's Duke of Cambridge

The 33-year-old royal insists there is not much time left to prevent the "incredible" creatures from going into extinction.

Speaking to ITV News, he shared: "In the next five to ten years if there's not a massive change, a dramatic change, in the way we appreciate and protect these iconic species in Africa, there won't be these incredible animals there, which not only is obviously sad for future generations but I think it would be incredibly devastating for humanity itself when we have sat back and we have lost something we have been responsible for.

"If we haven't achieved something in the next five to ten years then it will be almost impossible to do anything after that. Because the numbers will be so depleted the damage will be done so badly and clearly the demand won't have been halted."

Meanwhile, Prince William previously raised his concerns about the chance of his children - Princess Charlotte, ten months, and Prince George, two - ever seeing a wild elephant.

He explained: "We have to accept the truth: that consumers are driving the demand for animal body parts, for art, for trinkets, or for medicine. Only we as consumers can put the wildlife traffickers out of business.

"It is time to talk about the growing human demand for illegal wildlife products that drives the trade and makes it profitable. The good news is that we are far from powerless in this struggle. We can turn the tide of extinction."

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