Bad breath is no fun when it comes to relationships. While your partner is likely to be forgiving when it comes to your various habits and flaws, halitosis is something ...
Women can spend days, weeks, dare I say it months pining after a man, going on ‘man diets’ and starving off men forever. Women spend time on ways and means ...
If men told the truth when coming onto a woman- here is what they would say... My friend doesn't have the confidence to talk to you- Do you like shy ...
It might sound like the biggest cliché to pick someone up during their workout, but with one in five Happn users saying they'd rather go for a spontaneous run or ...
When he asks you what you want for your birthday/anniversary/Christmas- You can't think of anything and don't ask him for anything other than his time and a celebratory kiss. You ...
Laura Yates is a coach and writer helping men and women through break-ups and heartbreak so she tells Female First readers how to come out of a break up with ...
Owning a second property abroad, having penned a novel - and having once been in a band are just some of the ludicrous tales, wheeled out by Britons at dinner ...
Half of British couples are having regular fights over their clutter, arguing 32 times per year according to Big Yellow Self Storage. In London, the situation is much worse with ...
Your date night interactions can fall into a pattern of 'what do you want for tea?' or 'how was work today?' Although it's important to know how your partner is ...
Everyone who has ever done a dissertation knows the dedication it takes from conception to completion. As today is National Dissertation Day it got me thinking just how comparable relationships ...
Today is National Administrative Professionals Day- so to celebrate we thought we would shine a light on all those partners who keep their lovers organised and informed. Here are ten ...
The news that every woman has been waiting for has finally arrived, men prefer a woman’s personality over her looks.
Lynx has carried out research to find out what type of ...
What does a man look at when he first sees or meets you? Well we have the answer! Most predictably they look at your breasts, however this comes third behind ...
When it comes to dating, a particular bugbear for many singles is whether or not you live with your parents. 32% of women would say no to someone who still ...
There are some unforgiveable acts in a relationship such as cheating and watching the next episode of a boxset without you. There are others that are far from likeable but ...
With the weather (finally) starting to warm up, most of us would concede that spring has officially arrived! Many of us are already busy with our yearly spring cleaning rituals, ...
Today is National Picnic Day so we thought we would take a look at what the partners of picnic fanatics have to put up with. The basket is key- The ...
Most women have been there, it’s easy to talk a friend out of seeing him but particularly hard to let go of a guy like this yourself. He’s constantly keeping ...
Today is National High Five Day- a day for giving your lover the high five after something great. Here are just a few examples of when you might want to ...
If you’re a reality TV fan, or on any form of social media for that matter, you won’t have missed the latest Kardashian scandal. Tristan Thompson has cheated on his ...
By Dr Mark Winwood, director of psychological services at AXA PPP healthcare Fear can affect all aspects of our lives, including our current and future relationships. In fact, research from ...
We all know what it feels like to be 'the last remaining single friend'. It's a bit like being the last child picked up by their parents at home time ...