As the nights get colder and darker, it can be difficult to plan in things to do together when you’re off work. If you’re struggling- here are our top suggestions:

Relationships on Female First
Adopt an animal: If you and your home is ready for a pet, now is a great time to look for one and give a creature the love and shelter it deserves.
If you don’t have the space or the time for an animal perhaps you could support a charity by adopting one of their animals and you will receive monthly updates on how they are doing and what your money is going towards.
Start a gratitude journal: Or jar whichever works best for you as a couple. Think about the things you are grateful for each day about your relationship and about each other and write them down. You could do two separate ones and share them with each other at the end of the month or write them down last thing before bed.
Write together: This month is National Novel Writing Month so if you fancy yourselves as a writing duo, there is no better time to get started. One of you might be the person with all the ideas while the other is a master with words or perhaps you are good at writing things together- in which case- ready those pens!
Go vegan or gluten free: If your meals have become a bit samey- why not change them up by omitting gluten or animal products or for a real challenge- both! This will encourage you to seek out new recipes, cook different things together and expand your repertoire.
Have a designated PJ day: If you haven’t rested together in a while- pick a day where nothing else is going on and vow to only wear your PJs and do nothing for the whole day. You could trial out your Christmas jammies to get you in the mood!
Go for a hike: Go to your favourite walking spot or look for some new terrain to try your boots out on. Just remember to wrap up warm and think of some interesting things you and your partner can discuss on the journey.
Play a board game: When it’s wet and windy outside, there is little incentive to go out of a night- so why not crack open one of your favourite board games and have it with a drink and some snacks? It beats watching the TV every night.
Bonus suggestions: If none of these take your fancy why not bake something together, clean out your fridge and the rest of your cupboards if you are in the mood to declutter or even book some classes in your diary to learn a new instrument together.
Tagged in Gluten Free Vegan