Talking over your career options can give you a boost

Talking over your career options can give you a boost

Whether you’re at the beginning of your working life or somewhere in the middle, it’s never too late to choose a career to suit you.

Sometimes it can be difficult if you’re unsure of where to go next but you’re not alone. This guide will show you how to decide which career will be right for you.

What drives you?

The first thing to decide is to ask yourself what drives you. Do you enjoy working with other people? Are you a confident salesperson? Identifying where your strengths are will help you to narrow down your career choices.

There are thousands of different roles available for you to consider and it can be overwhelming. Be specific in what it is that you want to do and you’ll be able to focus on sectors that will suit you.

If you’re struggling to think about what drives you, why not try asking a friend what they think? Our friends often know us better than we know ourselves, so ask them to help you decide what kind of career would suit you. You can always return the favour in the future!

What is your skillset?

Another way of approaching the issue of choosing a career that’s right for you is to consider what skills you have. If you’re a graduate, ask yourself what you did at university and what skills you gained.

The same can be applied if you’re changing career – what skills did you gain at your other jobs and how will they transfer to another career?

Is money a factor?

An ideal job is one where you would be happy to do it even if you weren’t receiving any money.

If you choose a career solely based on the opportunities for a high salary rather than on what you think you would enjoy, it’s likely that you wouldn’t be as happy in the workplace.

Most careers last at least a couple of decades. Make sure that you’re in it for the right reasons and you’ll find that getting out of bed every day won’t be a chore.

Ask for help

If you’re unsure about your options, don’t think that it’s all down to you. There are plenty of professional organisations that can help you out – all you have to do is ask.

Get down to your local job centre, or search for organisations that offer career advice online. Sometimes it can help to talk things over with other people rather than just thinking about it on your own.

Choosing a career can seem like something of a black hole, but with the right guidance and some thought you can choose one that’s right for you. Who knows where you will end up. Your perfect career is out there somewhere.

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