So you are coming to the end of your final year at uni. Have you had fun? Have you enjoyed life away from home, met some new friends and built a stack of Facebook contacts? And then there is the small matter of work, presumably you've done some and are pretty confident of getting the degree you want?
Recruitment specialist Clive Davis and Sally Hinks (Financial Director of Dorothy Perkins) join us live online on Tuesday April 8th at 15:00 for the most important 15 minutes you will spend this year.
So far, hopefully the answer is 'yes' but then what?
Have you pinpointed what will be your first foray into the world of work? Are the next 10 years planned out? Have you chosen your career, targeted prospective employers and lined up interviews or work placements?
If the answer to these 'no' then you need a career plan to help you stand out from the graduate crowd and we've got just the people to turn those nervous 'no's' into a confident 'yes!'
While we all want to be rich and famous, we also need to consider a practical career with long-term prospects and great benefits, which is why the sharp students look to a career in business. Whether it is in accountancy or retail, positioning yourself as the ultimate employee when you are up against thousands of other recent graduates can be an uphill struggle and if you're looking for some top tips then you are in the right place.
Join the career dream team to help to clarify your goals, expertly target prospective employers, write up that killer CV or learn how to position yourself as the first choice candidate at interview.
Recruitment specialist Clive Davis and Sally Hinks, Financial Director of Dorothy Perkins join us live online on Tuesday April 8th at 1500 for the most important fifteen minutes you will spend this year.