Katie Piper and TerriAnn Nunns have launched a new food, fitness and lifestyle mum manual today. To celebrate, here are their top tips on how to maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle as a busy mum. 

TerriAnn Nunns and Katie Piper by Dan Kennedy

TerriAnn Nunns and Katie Piper by Dan Kennedy

TerriAnn Nunns:

  1. Take photos and measurements every two weeks to track your progress, and don’t weigh yourself more than once a week. You’ll be amazed at the results when looking back at old photos!
  2. Always try new recipes and rotate your eating choices. You’ll look forward to meals more as it’s something different.
  3. Plan and prepare for at least 3 days in advance, and batch cook some meals so you always have something to grab even when you’re busy
  4. Exercise first thing in the morning – it’s easier to make excuses as the day goes on and is often the last thing on your mind
  5. Don’t forget to switch up your workouts – changes them each week so you don’t get bored

Katie Piper:

  1. Don’t expect to see changes overnight. This isn’t a detox, it’s a lifestyle choice. It’s all about being mindful with what you eat. Keep up the good work and you will see results!
  2. You don’t have to go to the gym to exercise. Not everyone feels comfortable, or has the time to go to the gym. Home workouts are just as good and you can even get the kids involved!  
  3. Talk to other mums. Sharing your thoughts, feelings and experiences can really help to keep you on track. You can also gain advice and reassurance from other like-minded mums in doing so.  
  4. Allow yourself a treat day. There’s no need to cut your favourite food out of your diet completely as it simply makes you crave it more. Select one day a week where you can indulge!
  5. Don’t forget to make time for yourself – everyone needs a break once in a while! When the kids are asleep do something that helps you to relax. Meditation is fantastic for this.  

The Healthy Happy Mum Plan by Katie Piper and TerriAnn Nunns is available for £39.99 at www.thehealthyhappymumplan.co.uk

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