As we continue to get closer and closer to Summer, we can finally dig out the shorts and sunnies and venture outdoors for our dose of Vitamin D.

After spending too many hours with your home comforts and pulling your hair out trying to keep the kids entertained, you are raring to go!
But you may find that your children aren’t as enthusiastic.
The idea of engaging in physical activity is far from desirable as they cry out for their iPhones or tablets.
Remember, the earlier your children participate in sports and/or physical activity, it will become second nature and be more beneficial in the long run.
This is especially important for their development, physically and mentally, as any activity can provide the foundations of healthy adulthood.
We share our six benefits of participating in sports for child development.
Fitness: This is the more obvious benefit of the bunch, but it really is that simple – playing sport and being active will improve your child’s fitness. When working up a sweat and increasing the heart rate, it will allow endorphins to be released throughout the body, which will leave you feeling euphoric. Adding physical activity to the family’s daily routine will eventually become effortless and have the kids pleading with you to get outdoors.
Social Skills: Participating in group sports will encourage your child to dive out of their comfort zone and gain new friends. This will be the perfect way for them to develop communicative skills which will be vital throughout life. Being interactive and social will benefit their personality and ensure that your child is obtaining useful social skills that can be implemented in other environments.
Better Sleep: Being physically active will be sure to tire the kids out, meaning you can all get a good night’s sleep – now if that doesn’t sound appealing, I don’t know what will! Sleep for young children is vital to help them grow and repair. A well-rested mind will lead to improved concentration and the ability to work under pressure, among many other situations.
MORE: Parenting Life and Style: Seven fun sports you can do with your toddler (
Discipline: With sport, comes many different rules, depending on which activity your child is involved in. Abiding by these rules is a great steppingstone for your child, particularly if they are younger and are heading to the world of school and routine. Listening and understanding rules of the game can transfer into the big wide world, especially when they approach adulthood, and they are thrown into the land of work.
Mental health benefits: Being outdoors in the fresh air instantly makes you feel better – don’t you agree? Think of the benefits this will have on the little ones. Running around with friends, laughing, and making memories will be sure to boost self-esteem and invite positive vibes. Being competitive in sport, as long as it’s a healthy balance, will benefit your child’s confidence – particularly if they come out on top! But having that drive to do and be better will provide determination in sports and life in general. Many sports have a ‘leader’ – owning that responsibility will make the kids unstoppable!
Encourages growth hormones: Not only is sport and physical exercise significant in being healthy but daily activities will help encourage growth in children. The growth hormones will work their magic and get to work on ensuring that your child is building and growing healthy and happy.
Whether it’s football, netball, or cricket – whatever takes their fancy – be sure to encourage this interest and allow them to achieve great success in the sporting world.
Written by Laura, who you can follow on Twitter, @LauraJadeC20