Terrible twos can be something that all us parents can dread, one day you feel you have the perfect child and the next day they have turned into a little monster. This is down to their personalities starting to shine through and is a way of them showing their independence.
Signs of Terrible Twos and how to overcome this
They love the word NO! - They will say this to almost everything which is very common, it could be from offering them a drink, or saying no to their food. They might not always understand that they are saying no to everything, so a great tip of mine is to use different sentences of encouragement. For example, ‘Would you like some yummy food’ or ‘It will make mummy and daddy very happy’.
Public Screaming & Tantrums - Little ones on the floor in the supermarket or even at home kicking and screaming! Stressful, right? Pick them up calmly, find a quiet spot away from everyone and put your arms around them to try and calm them down. Always speak gently to them. Use phrases like, why are you crying, or what is the matter? Keep it all very calm.
Biting and Kicking - This usually starts at this age, it can be biting a sibling, biting someone at nursery or even mummy or daddy. Get down to their level and look them straight in the eye and say, ‘No we don't bite or kick’. Keep it firm but simple. If they continue, sit them on the sofa with the TV turned off and give no toys for 10 minutes. This normally works as they do not like to miss out.
Written by Potty training guru and children’s behavioural expert Amanda Jenner (www.pottytrainingacademy.co.uk)