Recent findings from has found that one in five expectant mothers ask for money instead of gifts at their baby shower, so here’s why you might want to do the same.

Parenting on Female First

Parenting on Female First

It saves your guests the trouble- Shopping for babies can be a challenge, especially if your guests don’t have kids themselves. It’s difficult to know what to buy as they might not know what you already have for your baby. Money takes the stress out of shopping for the little one if it’s out of their comfort zone or they don't have the time.

You can put it towards something more expensive- You can buy your baby something they really need that costs a little more if you bundle all your money gifts together. So, if you still need to get a cot or a pram, this can a long way towards the pricier items.

The money can be put away- You can invest the money in a savings account for their future so they can access it when they are older for a car or a deposit for a house for instance.

It stops doubling up- Don’t get me wrong, there are some things you can benefit from having a lot of like nappies and wipes but there are staple gifts that people always buy for baby showers, like packs of baby grows. Asking for money prevents you getting too many of one thing as babies grow out of clothing items fast.

It can be a helping hand- Having another person to feed, clothe and keep clean in the house is an expensive business so the money might come in handy during the first few months where your finances will take an inevitable hit.

It saves returns and exchanges- The last thing you will want to do once your baby gets here is to make a trip to the shops to get refunds or exchanges for things that aren’t suitable for your baby- you have more pressing things to worry about. If people give money as a gift, this removes the worry of having to leave the house when you probably won’t want to.

It makes the thank you notes far easier to fill in- You wont have to make a list of what everyone has given you or try and remember what gift came from whom because it will all be the same so the thank you cards will be a doddle!

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