Period underwear isn’t something that might automatically spring to mind when you are putting together your maternity wardrobe essentials, especially as you won’t bleed until after your baby has arrived, however it can be an invaluable item in your arsenal as you go through the various stages of pregnancy. Here’s why…

Image courtesy of Unsplash

Image courtesy of Unsplash

Padding: Particularly towards the latter stages of pregnancy, the baby’s head moves down towards the pelvis and can cause shooting pains within the vagina, which are known as ‘fixing pains’. These are very uncomfortable so when a mother is sitting down, it’s helpful to have some padding around the area to help ease these as much as possible. If you choose period underwear designed for a heavier flow, this can help to offer some cushioning around the area to help alleviate this soreness. 

Discharge: Discharge is something women experience throughout their life, but during pregnancy discharge is perfectly normal as it prevents any infection going up from the vagina into the womb which may harm the baby. Discharge increases towards your due date and may even change colour and consistency- to a more pink and jelly like substance. This is also referred to as ‘the show’ which is your body’s way of preparing for the birth. This might become more frequent and as you don’t know exactly when these ‘shows’ will occur, it’s a good idea to have your period underwear for when it happens to avoid embarrassment. 

Comfort and safety: Maternity underwear has been specifically designed to sit under your bump, so it won’t dig in making you as comfortable as you can be and most importantly, it won’t create unnecessary pressure around your baby meaning they can move about more freely in the womb. Blood flow is essential for both mum and baby so anything that could restrict this is not worth putting on your body. 

Bleeding: Once your baby arrives, your body needs to release nine month’s worth of periods, so it’s important to have the right level of protection against leaks. Sleep deprivation and your preoccupation with your newborn might mean you forget to put on a pad when you go to the toilet, so having period underwear will give you the peace of mind that even if you are in a rush, no blood stains will appear on your clothing. 

They are reusable: In early motherhood, you will be so exhausted you might not want to leave the house. The thought of going to the shops to get some sanitary products could be overwhelming when all you want to do is stay in the comfort of your own home. This is where period underwear comes into its own as you can pop them in the wash and reuse them without a trip to the local corner shop or the wait to have them delivered to your doorstep. And let’s face it, with a new baby- the washing machine will be on fairly regularly anyway! 

Bladder leaks: Many women find that coughing or sneezing after birth (and sometimes before) can lead to bladder leakage. Pregnancy puts a lot of pressure on the pelvic floor muscles, the urethra and the bladder, meaning that something as simple as laughing heartily could cause some urine to come out. Period underwear will catch any leaks meaning you don’t have to change them right away and can wait until you get home to swap them over rather than having damp pants all day, which can cause an unpleasant odour.  

Doing your bit: Pregnancy and post birth has the potential to be a hugely wasteful time in a woman’s life. Period underwear means you don’t have to fill your bins with maternity pads which will inevitably end up in landfill. Period underwear saves on this waste but it is also something that can be used as your regular underwear once all of your postpartum symptoms have subsided. Women still produce discharge and have periods until they reach menopause so these investment pieces can transition through from pregnancy, to postpartum and beyond! 

The Modibodi Biodegradable Brief has also been tested to perform even after 100 washes and offers the same superior absorbency and quality as the regular Modibodi range. Available in a full brief and bikini style, the Biodegradable Brief is available in sizes 8-20 from £34.00 and the Bikini from £32.00 from  

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