When your kids move to university, it can be financially and emotionally difficult for everyone involved.

Parenting on Female First

Parenting on Female First

If you’re worried about how the move is going to work out, why not take a look at this guide on how to support your kids at university? From food shopping to emotional support, we’ve got it covered.

Set up a weekly allowance

Going to university will likely be the first time that your kids will have been managing their own money. Their student loan will often not be enough to cover all necessary expenses, so consider setting up a small weekly allowance to cover the deficit via direct debit.

Organise a budget

Another way to help out is to help your child to come up with a weekly budget. Include expenses such as accommodation, food shopping and going out so that your kids can understand when they’ve spent enough.

Remind them that you’re there

If your kids are struggling to settle in, they can feel very isolated so remind them that you’re only a phone call away. Even just sending a cheery text can make them feel better, so try to stay in contact with them as much as you can.

Be patient

University is a very up-and-down experience, so be patient if they’re a little moody from time to time! Give a sympathetic ear and they’ll remember that you’ve always got their backs.

Treat them

Most students will go home for at least one weekend during term time, even if it’s just so that you can do all their washing!

This is your opportunity to pamper them a little, whether it’s by cooking their favourite meal or just spending some quality time together. Remind them that no matter what happens, they’ll always be able to go back home.

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by Julia Molloy

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