As a mum of a two year old, I feel I spend most of my days picking up bits of plastic from the floor, hoovering up glitter and cleaning paint marks off my surfaces. In desperation I realised that I needed to seek out some clean toys and thankfully found that such a thing does exist! 

Image courtesy of Pixabay

Image courtesy of Pixabay

If you are tired of peeling stickers off your couch and standing on tiny figurines here are some mess, fuss free toy suggestions for your toddler. (You can thank me later) 

Fire HD for kids: Whether you love or loathe your toddler having screen time, you can’t deny the variety of activities one of these gadgets can offer. Colouring in, games, reading and your toddler’s shows- all in one place. Forget crayons, wave goodbye to little pieces that may be a choking hazard and don’t worry about your child accessing or buying things they shouldn’t- get one of these and fret no more. 

Scratch Pads: If you little one is showing signs of being arty, these are a great activity to throw in a backpack for a long journey or just for getting crafty at home. One pad and a stick is all they need to scratch off pretty pictures, meaning you don’t have to follow them around to stop them drawing on your expensive furniture. Plus it takes up no space to store- bonus points!

Water Magic Pads: Again, these are easy to pack in a going away bag but your toddler will still get their arty fix and all you need is access to water to refill the pen. You can purchase these in a variety of different designs so you are bound to find one that fits in with your little one’s current passion and because they are reusable once they’ve dried, you don’t have to keep buying colouring pencils and paper. A money and mess saving toy- two words that mums like to hear! 

RELATED: How to introduce your toddler to potty training (even if they aren’t quite ready)

Magnetic Doodle Boards: Continuing with the artistic theme- although these tend to be on the larger side, your toddler can learn to write their name, draw numbers, shapes and their own creations without the big clean up afterwards- one swipe and it’s all gone. These are also easy to clean if your toddler gets dirty fingerprints on it- one wipe and it’s like new. 

Abacus: Sometimes simple is best! The humble abacus may be made of little parts but they all stay in one place! If you buy a colourful one you can not only teach your toddler about numbers but colours too and nothing is more satisfying to a toddler than the sound of moving the little beads from one side to another. 

Magnetic play blocks: The very design of these means that they always stick to one another so you won’t lose them under the couch or side table. They are quick to tidy away as they all connect together into one block meaning tidy up time is a breeze. 

A tent: Simply pop it up for play time then collapse it down at the end of the day and slide it away. A toy that encourages imaginative play teaches toddlers games like hide and seek and helps them to establish boundaries around their space and yours. It can be thrown outside in the summer or you can chuck some pillows and a blanket in it during the winter months and colder days so your child gets the benefit of it all year round. 

So there we have it! You will never have to wash paint out of your couch cushions again! 

RELATED: Seven items lying around your house that could be a choking hazard for your toddler

We all leave things where they don’t belong from time to time and normally it’s not a problem, however when you have a toddler in the house, these small pieces can be potentially harmful for your little one. Here are just a few of the most common items that need a place in your home out of your child’s way… to read more click HERE 

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