New mums want to tell the world about their new adorable baby and share all the amazing things that they can do.

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It seems that bragging about their tots milestones is common ground for new mums, admitting they don't notice when they are doing it.
From their baby's first smile, step or tooth, mothers are letting the world know about their little ones achievements.
The most boastful quality to rush to let other mummy friends know is when their baby sleeps through the night, according to a new survey by baby gift retailer
New mums love to see their baby's first smile saying it was a precious moment and ranked second in the ten tot milestones.
Moving on to solids was a popular brag for 82% of the new mums quizzed with many agreeing this was a huge step for them and their little one.
Top 10 list of Tots Milestones:
- Sleeping through the night - 92%
- First smile - 85%
- Solid food - 82%
- First tooth - 75%
- First step - 67%
- First word - 58%
- Starting to crawl - 52%
- Clapping hands - 45%
- Babbling - 42%
- Cruising holding furniture - 41%
One new mum said: "I was desperate to tell my friends as soon as my baby slept for more than seven hours. When you're so sleep deprived, having that many hours unbroken sleep feels amazing. They were really jealous - just the reaction I expected. I have to say, I felt really smug, especially as they all looked absolutely shattered."
A second said: "When my son took his first spoonful of baby rice, I was the proudest mum on the planet. Part of it was relief that he was actually eating real food, the other part was pride - I couldn't wait to boast about this milestone, even though it meant hours in the kitchen pureeing food."
Another commented: "I loved boasting about my daughter's first step. She was an early walker so it was such a nice feeling to be able to tell the other mums she'd started toddling around. It did mean I couldn't take my eyes off her for a second - but a great feeling."
A spokesperson for said: "There are some really momentous milestones during a baby's first year and quite rightly, mums want to share these moments with their friends and family.
"At the time it probably doesn't feel like you're being boastful, you just want to let everyone know about these big moments in your tots life."