Michelle Heaton

Michelle Heaton

Michelle Heaton's second pregnancy came as a "surprise".

The Liberty X singer welcomed son Aaron Jay into the world last month and she admitted she and husband Hugh Hanley - with who she already has two-year-old daughter Faith - had discussed not having any more kids because she is planning to have her ovaries removed as she is a carrier of the BRAC2 gene, meaning she is at high risk of contracting breast and ovarian cancer.

Speaking on 'Lorraine', Michelle - who underwent a double mastectomy in 2012 - said: "We just didn't know [if we'd have another child] because with the BRAC2 gene I have, getting my ovaries removed is something that's going to happen. We didn't know when, it's really hard to say when that should happen; there is no right answer.

"I suppose the longer you leave it, the higher the risk you'll get ovarian cancer, so we were contemplating not having any more children. Baby Aaron was bit of a surprise. We felt it was God's way of saying, 'Have one more then move on with the operation.'

"I'm blessed. I know how lucky I am, I really do."

The 'Just a Little Bit' singer is planning to have her ovaries removed as soon as possible, but she has been advised to wait a few months to allow her hormones to settle following the birth of her son.

She added: "I don't really know all the answers. It's a bit scary."

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