The first trimester can be a difficult time for women- whether the pregnancy is planned or not, there is a period of readjustment and acceptance, as well as some of the more unpleasant symptoms like sickness and fatigue. While your partner may not know exactly what she needs or wants yet, especially if this is your first pregnancy together, there are some things you can do to make this transition easier. 

Image courtesy of Pixabay

Image courtesy of Pixabay

Show affection: While your partner may not feel like being intimate with you because nausea and tiredness aren’t exactly aphrodisiacs, it’s important to still hug her, kiss her and hold her hand. Show her you are still attracted to her and that you still value her as your partner first and foremost, not just as the mother of your child. You were a couple before and you should still place a lot of importance on that rather than falling into the parent trap and setting your relationship aside. 

Eat well: If you eat well together, your partner will be less likely to feast on things that won’t sustain her or the baby. When you shop together choose healthy meals and snacks, or if you do the shopping- adopt the same attitude towards food. Plus if you get into this habit now, you will be able to pass down good eating habits to your child once they start weaning. 

Encourage her to rest: If she needs an early night or a nap, give her the chance. If you already have children, look after them while she takes a break and if this is your first child, don’t make her feel bad if she needs to rest rather than going out together or wants an earlier bedtime when you would normally watch a movie. It’s not forever and she is growing a human after all, so her body is doing a lot more work than it usually does.  

Take walks together: Light exercise is encouraged during pregnancy, so even if your partner doesn’t do a lot of exercise normally, a walk is gentle and gives you the opportunity to talk to one another about your growing family as well as any worries she might be having. 

Attend as many appointments with her as possible: Work might mean you can’t make them all, but scans are the ones to attend out of them all so you can see your baby moving and find out the sex if that’s what you both decide. Similarly, it’s important to attend any that you know are going to be challenging for your partner- such as a blood test if she is afraid of needles. Current restrictions mean that some/all of these options might not be available to you, however you can always wait outside for her as soon as she has been seen by the medical professional to offer your support. 

Adopt the same lifestyle changes she is having to: If you enjoy a drink, you could offer to go teetotal until the baby arrives or avoid the same foods that are not safe to consume during pregnancy. If you smoke, seek help to quit or cut down on your caffeine intake. All of these acts of solidarity will help her feel like she’s not the only one who is having to make sacrifices. 

Pick up some extra jobs around the house: If your partner tends to do a lot of the cooking and cleaning, offer to chip in when you can. The fatigue can be quite debilitating meaning even a simple task like loading the dishwasher will leave her feeling exhausted. Throwing in a load of laundry or putting the dishes away may seem small to you but it will mean the world to your partner.

RELATED: Parenting: Seven must haves for your first trimester of pregnancy

The first twelve weeks of pregnancy are mostly about managing sickness and extreme fatigue as best you can while awaiting your first scan, however there are some other things I found to be hugely beneficial that you might not have taken advantage of yet, so here they are…to read more click HERE 

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