While the Eurovision Song Contest doesn’t start until 8pm this Saturday (14th May) and your baby will hopefully be in the land of nod by then, you can still celebrate during the day in the lead up to the big event. Just because you have a newborn doesn’t mean you have to miss out. Here are just a few ideas to keep your little one entertained while you prepare.

Roy Lawe / Alamy Stock Photo
Dress them up: There are so many babygrows, sleepsuits, dresses and pants that are decorated with a Union Jack and available online now- you really do have your pick. You could have an outfit for both day and night if your budget will stretch and whatever you invest in now can be brought out again for the Queen’s Jubilee! If you’re not keen on a full outfit, you could just get them some tiny Union Jack socks or booties for some subtle solidarity.
Photo shoot: It would be a crying shame if you go to all the effort of dressing up your baby up not to take pictures afterwards. Then you can enjoy sending them to or printing them out for grandparents so they can show them off when the Queen hits the big 70! You could even get one framed and bring it out each year when Eurovision comes around again.
Decorate: Babies spend most of their day on their back, so anything you can do to make the ceiling more interesting is a bonus. String lights, bunting, balloons- you name it- if it goes up high, your baby will enjoy looking at it! Just be mindful to keep the strings out of their way. If the weather is kind, you could even decorate your garden and sit out with them in the sunshine while admiring your handy work! Plus if you are having people over- you are ticking two things off your list.
Play Eurovision songs: While they’re playing or taking a bath, ask Alexa for some Eurovision songs from years gone by or ones from the upcoming contest. A great way to get you geared up for the night while giving your little one some background noise. And speaking of baths…
RELATED: Seven ways to celebrate Eurovision with a toddler
The Union Jack Rubber Duck: The most patriotic bath toy going and it’s baby safe! Giving your baby a toy in the bath will help with their coordination skills all the while showing support for their country.
Red, white and blue food: If your baby is at the weaning stage, why not feed them the colours of the flag with some age appropriate red pasta, a cut up banana or halved blueberries? Weaning babies shouldn’t have to miss out on the buffet just because they are sleeping. Give them one of their own earlier in the day!
Baby journaling: There is a wide selection of Eurovision notebooks on Amazon that are the perfect tool for capturing memories from the day- especially if you’re a superfan yourself! Journal about what you did together, what songs you listened to and print out some of the pictures from your photo shoot to glue onto the pages. Then you can look back at how you spent your Eurovision 2022 with great affection in years to come.
Read a Eurovision book: If you want your child to grow up with a sound knowledge of Eurovision, why not read some pages to them from the following book? You will both get something out of this exercise, just be sure to put on your most entertaining facial expressions as you read!

Tagged in Eurovision