With such emphasis upon how we look and the media impact on body image I feel it is so important to teach our children to have a positive attitude towards their bodies from a young age. Problems with body image can lead to disorders such as anxiety, depression and eating disorder such as anorexia nervosa. Sadly these conditions are not just affecting adults but are becoming more prevalent amongst children too and I want to do my very best to help children love and accept their own body.

Parenting on Female First
I too like many women struggle with body images issues. I became obsessed with my weight in my early teens and this obsession was highlighted at ballet. I loved ballet but I felt that it didn't love me. I felt that I was the wrong shape and that only the best were accepted. Looking back, I was a perfectly acceptable shape but I felt it wasn't good enough compared to a svelte ballerina. It left me with a tremendous lack of self-confidence and a very poor body image which followed me through to later life.

When I was chosen to be involved with Channel 4's three part inspiring arts documentary, 'Big Ballet' presented by Wayne Sleep, I was thrilled as it helped me to face my ballet/body demons head on.
I will continue to spread the positive message that all shapes and sizes can learn to do ballet and I hope that through my work, I can help to build children's self-esteem and confidence.