Spanish kindergarten children now 24% overweight
Kindergarten children in Spain top the league for the most overweight and obese pre-school youngsters, according to a new survey by researchers in Europe. Nearly a quarter (24%) of all children aged 5-6 years old are overweight or obese in Spain, in contrast with Germany where fewer than 10% carry excess weight.
Results of the survey form part of the ToyBox-study, presented at the International Congress on Nutrition, Granada, Spain. The team of ToyBox researchers examined over 7000 children in 300 kindergartens in six sample countries: Poland, Spain, Greece, Bulgaria, Germany and Belgium. The results show great variation between the countries (see table) which overshadow the differences between girls and boys, and the differences between children of higher-educated parents and those of less educated parents.
The survey, led by Dr Yannis Manios of Harokopio University, Athens, Greece, also asked parents about children's lack of physical activity. A quarter of all the children surveyed had a television in their bedrooms, with Bulgarian families topping the league (nearly 70% have a TV, and 44% a computer, in the child's bedroom).
Dr Manios and his team highlighted the need for health-promoting policies. 'We found that many countries are lacking clear guidelines on healthy eating and active play,' he said. 'However, there is good evidence linking sedentary behaviour (like TV watching) with subsequent obesity. TVs in the bedroom and unhealthy snacks in the kitchen cupboard are a bad idea. Parents should also remember that their role is not only to provide healthy food and drink options but to act as a role model themselves, since kids are copying their behaviours.'
The multi-country research project is supported by a €2.9m grant from the European Commission, and will include development and testing of a new programme designed to help kindergartens in 6 EU-countries to promote healthy snacking, water consumption, physical activity and limiting sedentary activities such as TV-watching and playing computer games.
Tagged in children Obesity Parenting Advice