THERE are a lot of things us pregnant mums have to worry about - that our baby is healthy, that we are eating well and getting enough rest, that our bodies will do what we need them to and keep our precious unborn tot safe - but apparently there’s a new thing in town too. Now we have to fret over the shape of our bump and hope we have a D-shaped belly not a B-one.

Parenting on Female First
Yes, you heard that right - mums-to-be are being abused over something they can’t control - the shape of their baby bump!
According to the body-shamers, D-shape bumps and beautiful and acceptable, but B-shaped ones are not. Why? Well B-shaped bumps are apparently more common in mums who are overweight or plus-sized.
So this slur isn’t about being a good mum or ensuring you have a happy, health pregnancy, it’s all about attacking mums when they feel most vulnerable.
A recent survey for found 94 per cent of expectant women are verbally abused over their pregnant body shape, with the average mum receiving ten nasty comments - and some mums reporting being attacked over 50 times. Strangers are the biggest source of negative comments, followed by friends and work colleagues
The result? Web forums are full of desperate mamas-to-be pleading for help on how to get rid of their B-belly. Shockingly, 17 per cent of mums considered dieting while pregnant to battle their body shape, and seven per cent went ahead and slimmed while expecting against medical advice.
My response? Please, let it B. Bumps are beautiful, whatever their shape and size.
For a start, whether you get a B or a D isn’t simply down to your weight. There are so many factors - your body shape, whether you are tall or small, your muscle distribution, whether you’ve had a previous pregnancy or C-section, the size of your baby and whether you’re carrying twins or even triplets.
You can have a B one pregnancy and a D the next and vice versa.
And let’s B honest, who really cares? Pregnant mums are the most amazing women on the planet. You’re growing a whole new human in there so who really cares about the outside of the oven?
If you are very overweight, of course try to slim down a little before becoming pregnant, simply because it’s better for you and for your baby. But If you have a little B-it of a wobble on your expectant belly, then so what? The weight will come off either by breast-feeding or rushing around after your little one once they arrive.
Our study found the comments are so distressing that 45 per cent of women would love to see ‘bump-shaming’ banned. So I say, B sensible and don’t bully the bump.
Pregnant women’s bodies are not public property. Most of us would never dream of commenting on a stranger’s body - so why do it when a woman is pregnant and at her most vulnerable?
Pregnant mums need nurturing and support, not slurs and criticism. Pregnancy should be about the mum and baby staying healthy - not stick thin. It’s time to consider the impact of what you say and realise what you may see as a funny dig can actually cause immense upset. As your own mum probably said, if you can’t say anything nice, say nothing at all.
Written by CATHY RANSON, editor of
Tagged in Pregnancy