Working for yourself may sound like a daunting exercise for many, but becoming an entrepreneur can make you happier and healthier according to research commissioned by accounting software company, Xero.

That's it!
A firm believer in the power of entrepreneurship is 'mumpreneur', Jenny Scott of the creative network for cool mums, Mother's Meeting. Not only has she set up her own business that unites like-minded mums, she also hosts a business club that encourages other women to start up their own business from the comfort of their kitchen table.
A mother's meeting with a difference, Jenny has teamed up with huge brands including Nike, Netflix and JCREW. On the topic of starting up her own business, Jenny said: "To me a happy business, means doing what I love which is bringing people together and creating amazing events for women."
"I started mother's meeting about four years ago. I had my son and I was totally shocked at how hard motherhood was. I didn't have any friends that had children - they were all in full time work."
"If you are ever thinking about setting up your business it's really important to be confident in what you're setting up. So if you don't believe in it, it's really important to be totally obsessive and passionate about it because you are going to be working 24/7. You've got to be patient. Starting your own business takes time and it'll be at least a year or so until you start making a profit. Love it and be totally 100% committed is crucial."
Here, Jenny gives us her top tips for a happy business:
- Be organized with what you do - when you have children and you run a business your organization is key
- Know where it is you want to go with your business. It is so easy to be side tracked
- Surround yourself with people that you enjoy being with and people that make you feel happy
- Be organised. Keep your finances easy to manage with accountancy software like Xero. Lay out your clothes before going to work and make sure your fridge is well stocked and you know what meals you will cook for the week
Xero is beautiful, easy-to-use online accounting software for small businesses and their advisers. Xero was ranked No.1 by Forbes as the World's Most Innovative Growth Company and was recently the recipient of the prestigious British Accountancy, International Accounting Bulletin and The Cloud Award.