A Seven Seas Perfect7 research study has revealed that attitude may have an effect on how youthful some may look.
After polling 100 subjects on their attitude and then having their age estimated by a panel of the general public, the researchers grouped subjects and then evaluated the surveys, identifying statistically significant trends between groups.

Those who were visually younger were more likely to have a realistic or positive outlook on life compared to those visually close or older than their physiological age.
Some were guessed at up to eight years older and 15 years younger than their physiological age.
Principal Investigation Danny Mccamlie commented: "Subjects who were rated as looking over 5 years younger than their physiological age were more likely to have a positive attitude."
Psychologist and television personality Jo Hemmings added: "The findings of the Seven Seas Perfect7 study do not surprise me. Being positive has been shown to reduce psychological stress - which is a key factor in cellular ageing. However I also think that optimism in itself can make a person's face 'sparkle'. Even in photographs this can come across and may be the reason why these subjects were rated as more youthful."
This study builds on previous research from the University of Illinois that claimed having a positive attitude could have cardiovascular benefits, and another study at the University of Queensland which said positivity has immune boosting properties.
A spokesperson from Seven Seas Perfect7, Lucy Zorina concluded: "The research found that visually younger looking subjects were more likely to have a positive or realistic outlook on life. We agree! Seven Seas Perfect7 is designed for people who believe that age is just a number."
The study was commissioned by Seven Seas who has developed NEW Perfect7 for people feeling the first signs of ageing. Perfect7 has been formulated with 7 key benefits in mind for both men and women4, with a unique blend of marine oils, key vitamins and minerals. (£9.99, Boots)
What's your attitude to ageing? Take the quiz at http://www.perfect7.co.uk/
Tagged in Health