3% of people sleep with their phone in bed with them.
Addicted Brits check their phones more than 100 times a day according to new research.
Money saving website freedeliveryland.co.uk asked 700 people about their mobile phone habits; and the results show nothing short of addiction.
'For many people it is the first thing they look at in the morning and the last thing they see before bed.'
On average we check our phone 103.4 times a day for emails, texts and social media updates.
Mobile-mad Brits are taking six breaks an hour - that's every nine minutes - to pick up their handset. One woman said: 'My mobile is one of my most prized possessions, I wouldn't know what to do without it.'
Our bad habit begins before we've even had time to for breakfast, with 7:14am being the average time we first check our phones when our alarm goes off.
This is proving to be a non-stop trend with most people getting their final fix at 10:42pm before they go to bed. Nearly 70% of us admit it's the first and last thing we do each day.
The same lady confessed: 'I once left it at home and literally couldn't concentrate that morning at work. I was so stressed about not having it near me, that I drove home in my lunch hour to get it.'
The team at freedeliveryland.co.uk said: 'For many people their mobile phone is an extention of their body.'
Mobile phones seem to be the new security blanket for the nation; four out of five people feel lost without their phone and kept it next to them on the beside table, with a worrying 3% confessing to having it in bed with them.
The researchers said: 'With smartphone technology moving on in leaps and bounds, people can control their lives from the palm of their hand. It is no wonder then for many people it is the first thing they look at in the morning and the last thing they see before bed.'
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