Could your desk be tidier?

Could your desk be tidier?

Most of us won’t admit to being disorganised but sometimes we need to put our lives back in order. Whether it’s tidying out your office or organising your work into a to-do list, this guide will help you to bring out the organised side of your personality.

Keep a diary

If you’re feeling disorganised, the best way to get back on top of things is to keep a diary. Buy a decent-sized notebook or diary and write down any important reminders or meetings that you need to keep.

If you prefer a technological method, why not try using the reminder function on your smartphone? Most of us always keep our phones handy, so this way you'll be reminded at the right time.

Have a clear out

I find that cleaning out old junk from time to time can be a very therapeutic experience, so why not give it a go? You’ll probably find that a lot of the stuff you own you can do without.

Once you’ve got rid of the clutter that you don’t need, try to put things back in an orderly way instead of just stuffing it back into drawers. If you have separate storage space available, why not try having specific drawers for specific items?

Another great tip, although perhaps a little too organised for some, is to alphabetise any books, DVDs or CDs that you might have. That way when you want to find something again it should be simple.

Set aside planning time

In our busy lives it can be difficult to set aside any time at all, but if you’re reaching a particularly busy period of your life, setting aside time to plan it could help you to be more organised.

Take the time to sit down and work out how you are going to fit everything in, then create some reminders to help you along the way.

Be disciplined

Whenever you’re tempted to leave something out of its proper place, remind yourself that you’ll only have to tidy it away later!

Disciplining yourself when it comes to mess can make a real difference in the long run. If you don’t have the willpower, setting aside some time on a regular basis to clean up or clear out can help you keep your mess to a minimum.

Do you struggle when it comes to organisation? Let us know your thoughts by commenting below or tweeting @FemaleFirst_UK


by Julia Molloy

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