Brooks Newmark has been seeing a woman for two years, according to new claims

Brooks Newmark has been seeing a woman for two years, according to new claims

Disgraced Tory MP Brooks Newmark is finally putting his family first as he announces that he will not stand for the next general election and says he is seeking psychiatric help.

New claims have surfaced that he once again sent explicit images of himself, according to the Sun on Sunday.

The newspaper claimed the 56-year-old sent explicit pictures to a "young mum".

Newmark looks only now to be considering his family in a letter to the Prime Minister.

The American-born MP for Braintree said: "The continued media intrusion into past episodes in my personal life is placing an intolerable burden on my family. I have therefore decided to stand down at the general election. I will continue to serve my constituents to the best of my abilities until that time.

"I again appeal to the media to respect my family's privacy and to give me a chance to try to heal the hurt I have caused them.

"I have no one to blame but myself and take full responsibility for my own actions.

"I will remain a loyal supporter of the Government and would like to thank the many friends and colleagues for the support and sympathy they have shown me and my family."

The father of five apparently sent up to forty naked selfies in the past year, and according to The Sun one text read: ‘I am desperate for sex with you- it’s been too long. At least a pic would keep the demons at bay!’ 

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