Public health officials will be investigating further a woman who blends human placentas into smoothies for new mums.

Kathryn Beale, charges new mums £20, to bring her their plcentas to mix with fruit and juices.
She visits each mother to collect the placenta and requires about 8cm for each drink.
This week, Swindon Borough Council has applied for a "hygiene emergency prohibition order" to stop her making these drinks.
After a visit from health officials who went to her house to inspect for hygiene standards, she has stopped making the smoothies.
"I understand that they have to make sure that all food business are running safely," she said.
"I think they have been a bit overzealous in trying to shut me down without doing a full inspection. I believe that I do it safely."
Another service she provides is to dry out the placenta, ground it down and then making it into capsules to be taken later.
The encapsulation service costs £150, with an extra £20 for the shake and £60 for the heart shaped umbilical cord to be put in resin as a keepsake.
She added: "I do about two a month and nationwide there is another 50 or so encapsulators offering similar services to myself.
"I have been doing it two years but certainly since I have been doing it has been quite popular.
"There is no eating of anyone else's placenta. It is all quite tightly controlled, stored properly and chilled.
"Everything has to be cleaned and sterilised and there is quite strict hygiene involved.
"I only prepare placenta smoothies when I am with the mother in her home or at her private hospital room because she needs to drink it straight away."
A Swindon Borough Council spokeswoman said: "We can confirm public protection officers attended court on March 10 seeking a hygiene emergency prohibition order in respect of raw human placenta practices.
"The order was not granted on this occasion. Our investigations continue and we are therefore unable to comment further at this stage.
"Whilst the health benefits of this activity are not clear, the processes involved in the production of human placenta for human consumption present a number of potentially serious health risks which explains this action."
Source: London Evening Standard