The Smashing Pumpkins

The Smashing Pumpkins

Billy Corgan has launched a new open audition process to find a new bassist and keyboard player for The Smashing Pumpkins.

Corgan has been forced to replace bassist Ginger Pooley after she quit the band last week to concentrate on motherhood. In the meantime, The Electric Prunes' star Mark Tulin will fill in.

Corgan launched an audition process to find his new drummer Mike Byrne last year after longtime collaborator Jimmy Chamberlin quit the new-look Pumpkins. Pooley, who toured with Corgan and the band in 2007 and 2008, says, "With sorrow and yet with much thankfulness for the opportunity to have played in the Pumpkins, I am sad to say that I can no longer tour with the Pumpkins.

"I've been blessed beyond belief over the past few years through playing with the Pumpkins, (but) my priority now is to keep our little family unit together, which includes my husband and my baby. Although I do plan on continuing to do music in different forms, my priority is for neither for my husband nor myself to be apart from our daughter so that we can raise her together. I wish Billy all the best and look forward to seeing the Pumpkins in the near future."

Corgan adds, "Although I am heartbroken that Ginger is leaving the group, I really respect her decision to put her family first. I appreciate everything that she has contributed to The Smashing Pumpkins, and I'm proud of her for being such a great musician and friend.

"We were lucky enough to find drummer Mike Byrne through an open audition process, so why not open the doors again to anyone who might be interested for the bass or keyboard position. As you can see from our past and present, age, race, or a person's background is not an issue. Everyone is truly welcome to audition.”
Hopefuls are being asked to send background information, photos and performance web links via email to [email protected] or [email protected]. The final date for submission is 31 March.