Slowmotion Apocalypse

Slowmotion Apocalypse

Nicolas Milanese, guitarist of Slowmotion Apocalypse, is undergoing treatment after being diagnosed with Leukaemia, his bandmates have revealed.

The Italian heavy metal group will be on hiatus until 31-year-old Milanese has recovered.

A statement from the band's official page reads: "Unfortunately, this time we're writing for giving you bad news (sic). Only few (sic) days ago we discovered Nicolas suffers from leukaemia. He will have to go through a rather long period of therapy and this won't allow him to give his contribution to the life of Slowmotion Apocalypse.

"We're all shocked and as a band we decided to wait for him to be able to have a normal life and to be able to play with us again. We are therefore taking a pause for an indeterminate period of time. All our shows are cancelled. We're sure you'll understand the reasons of our choice.

"A special message to all our friends: Nicolas needs first of all to have a rest. We ask you not to call him but rather send him text messages."