Ozzy Osbourne

Ozzy Osbourne

Ozzy Osbourne has his wife Sharon to thank for his life, insisting he'd be dead now if it wasn't for her support.

The former Black Sabbath hellraiser famously battled an excessive drug and drink addiction throughout his career with the heavy metal band, and even tried to kill his wife following a particularly heavy binge.

And the star admits he would have killed himself out of despair if he had never fallen in love with the rock matriarch - and only realised her strength after he imagined their roles in reverse.

He says, "(If I'd never met Sharon) I'd be dead. I'd have killed myself by now. Falling in love with Sharon was the best thing that ever happened to me. She was patient, she stuck by me.

"Someone asked me, 'Imagine if it was the other way around, you were the sober one and she was the one on the floor covered in p**s and puke everyday. How long do you think you would last?' And I was like, 'F**k, that's a good question. I really don't know the answer.' She stuck it out. Her being sober saved me."

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