No Consequence

No Consequence

Basick Records are sad to announce that due to health issues, long serving and talisman-like vocalist Phil W. has decided to leave UK Tech-Metallers, No Consequence.

Here’s what Phil himself had to say on the subject:

“I want to make sure that people understand I'm leaving the band on the best terms possible - a health problem is holding me back from being the super dedicated vocalist the band needs to keep growing and building on the success of 2009. I love the band like family, I think of the guys as nothing less than brothers and I know that as the band continues to move forward without me - I won’t lose contact with some of the best people in my life...

No Consequence

Everything we've achieved over the years wouldn't have been possible without a lot of help and support from some very important people, but when it comes down to it, NC wouldn't be where it is today without the fans - anyone who's shaken my hand after a show, bought a t-shirt/CD, come to a show, moshed, broken bones, travelled from other countries to see us... or told a friend to check us out, you guys are what music is about!

I hope that whoever takes over from me in NC realises what a special family they'll be joining and I am very much looking forward to watching NC continue to grow bigger and better. With a very heavy heart, thank you and much metal love to everyone - Phil ”

No Consequence are devastated to be losing such a great friend and talented front man, but will now be actively searching for a replacement to fill the role of second vocalist with the band.

Any interested parties should contact the band directly or check out the application criteria on the bands MySpace.