Founded in 2013, Dia obviously appeals to some after winning a competition from the TMS School, but is an artist that personally irritate me to no end.

A solid opening is ruined by lyrics chanted in a soft whisper that makes them hard to understand, and I'm taken back to my childhood when I'd have inescapable nightmares of being chased by monsters who would slur and slow down every syllable in their voice. I used to be scared, now I'm just annoyed.

A Nadia and Zehra Vancouver Fashion Show remix follows the original and is slightly more listenable, upbeat and easier to enjoy but never really hitting the spot.

Dia is an interesting artist for sure. She's trying to push boundaries but I'm not convinced they're the right ones to keep going up against. She doesn't shine as an amazing talent with this single and it's a shame as she's obviously gotten to where she is currently by showing off some of her best vocal assets.

I'll keep an ear out in the future, but unfortunately, Dia isn't an artist that I'll actively be seeking out anytime soon.

Dia's 'Icy Icy' is out now.

by for
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