Pat Dam Smyth - Friends

Pat Dam Smyth - Friends

Artist: Pat Dam Smyth

Single: Friends

Label: Monumental Music Group


Rating: 4/5

This week Pat Dam Smyth is back with his new single Friends, which is the latest track to be taken from his debut album The Great Divide.

Friends is a track that blends elements of folk and punk as well as a dash of rock to create a truly superb song that has a real epic feel to it.

There is also a truthful element to this song as Smyth sings about the importance and value of real friendships - something he realised after his withdrawal from society suffering from melophobia (a fear of music).

There is a laid back start to this record but when the guitars kick in just short of the minute mark the song really bursts into life.

From this point Friends is a song that is bursting with energy - the guitars on this track really is fantastic and really drives the song forward.

Smyth is an artist that we should all be very excited about as he is a very truthful type of songwriter - not to mention his vocal on this is great.

Friends is one of the best singles that will be released this autumn and I am excited to hear the rest of the debut album.

Pat Dam Smyth - Friends is out now

FemaleFirst Helen Earnshaw

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