The Cab - Symphony Soldier
Artist: The Cab
Album: Symphony Soldier
Label: Rightrack Records
Rating: 4/5
The cab returned in fine style last week with the release of their new single Bad and now the band are back with their fantastic new album Symphony Soldier.
This is an album that has been a long time in the making and it has been a difficult road for The Cab over the last couple of years but they are finally dropping the album in the UK - a year after it was released in the States.
And with this album The Cab have mixed a whole host of genres as there are elements of pop and rock throughout.
Angel With A Shotgun is the opening track to the album and it is an epic opening to this record as rock and pop are brought together in one fantastic song.
Alex DeLeon is on fine form vocally as he shows off not only the power of his voice but also the top range of his voice - seriously he hits all of the notes.
DeLeon is a vocalist that should be better known than he actually is but this track and this album could well bring him and the band the recognition that they deserve.
There is a real anthemia feel to this opening track and it is a song that is set to blow the roof of any arena that they play - it is the perfect start to this record.
Temporary Bliss is another energetic and upbeat track while Bad - their latest single - shows off a more playful side to the band.
They bring down the pace at the beginning of Endlessly as the piano kicks in before we hear the fantastic voice of DeLeon.
But the heat really kicks in in the chorus and one again the boys develop a perfectly crafted pop song - it is one of those tracks that will stick in your head for weeks.
Animal continues the run of catchy tracks but there is a rockier feel to this track - the melody is just perfect and you will also be singing this track forever more.
There is a slick feel to this record and The Cab has given some serious thought to the way that they wanted this album produced.
But The Cab has shown off their versatility as they have brought a whole host of different genres together. While rock and pop are the most prominent there are elements of R&B on tracks such as Intoxicated and La La and they also tackle the ballad.
And Lovesick Fool is the standout ballad track as DeLeon’s emotion pours out with every single word that he sings. It is one of the simplest tracks on the album in terms of production but it is one of the most powerful.
The opening five tracks on Symphony Solider are definitely the strongest but this is an album that is packed with great tracks and bundles of energy.
It has been three years since the band released an album and, in today’s current climate, that is rather a long time but the fans have been rewarded for their patience.
Long-standing fans of the band will be delighted with the new material while Symphony Solider will win over a new army of fans for The Cab.
This is one of the best pop albums of the year so far and it packed with memorable track after memorable track!
The Cab - Symphony Solider is out now
Click here to buy the album Symphony Solider
FemaleFirst Helen Earnshaw