Young Guns

Young Guns

Despite not really impressing at Download or Hub Festival this year, Young Guns managed to excel in an intimate environment.

Performing at Academy 2, there was a party atmosphere kept up for the entire show from the moment the band launched into 'Elements'.

Continuing a growing tradition of phenomenal live bands from South Wales, Young Guns were carried through an energetic set by a strong front-man.

Constantly getting the crowd moving, Gustav Wood seemed to be in his element tonight.

Whether he was bouncing in time with the fans, or jumping into them during closer 'Weight of the World', he seemed genuinely moved by the reaction the crowd gave the band tonight.

At only 12 songs and finishing 15 minutes before curfew, this did feel like a short set.

That minor disappointment aside, it's hard to criticse Young Guns on such a triumphant occasion.

Gustav revealed that the band's first ever sold-out show was at the Manchester Roadhouse, and the cheers that followed suggested a lot of the fans have stuck around for the ride.

They were treated to a great rock show from an exciting young band (no pun intended), one that seems humbled and moved by the opportunities they have.

Whilst festival appearances earlier in the year have been mixed, it became obvious last night that Young Guns are at their best in these intimate settings.

Whether he was high-fiving crowd-surfers or telling the fans who much they mean to him, Gustav controlled the room like few front-man can.

Many try, but sometimes a leading man, and a band, just feel special in the live environment.

It was clear that Young Guns are one of those bands, and with a new album planned for early 2012, it will be exciting to see where they go from here.

Female First - Alistair McGeorge

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