

The album it has come from, Ode to J Smith, has been described by Travis fans as one of those albums you just need to listen to a few times before you can enjoy it. Perhaps this is code for drumming it into your head until it becomes slightly tolerable.

Although generally the album is louder and more rock 'n' roll than anything else they have ever written, having recorded on an electric guitar this time, the single Song to Self stands out in the album for all the wrong reasons.

Without the character that some of Travis's songs had previously achieved with their mellow sound such as Driftwood and Why Does It Always Rain On Me, this new release is so mellow that ten minutes later, it could still be playing and you wouldn't have noticed it had stopped.

If it was any more laid back, the song would be on its back, and as perfect as it might be for background music, for a UK release, there needs to be more oomph.

It is just plain lucky that the song is addressed to themselves because it would be doubtful that anyone else would listen to such an easily forgettable track.

Rating - 1/5

By Karen Asbury