Harry. Looking fit as a vampire

Harry. Looking fit as a vampire

McFly… aww my little favourites, we do love them here at FemaleFirst, even if it's not really that cool to listen to them anymore.

McFly did used to remind me a lot of Busted, with their floppy hair and over-emphasised guitar playing, but now they're stepping out of the shadow of summery pop by going all electro on us a making a film about vampires.

After launching their new image alongside the summer anthem Party Girl, McFly are at it again with a new single and a new BFF in the form of Taio Cruz. (My mum loves him.)

'Shine A Light' might be a bit of a mushy lyrical number about missing an ex, but once you chuck in Cruz's synths and paraphernalia and add a dollop of McFly's trademark pop beatz (I put a z there to sound down with the kids) then you're bound to be tapping your little feet like there's no tomorrow.

FemaleFirst - Ruth Harrison

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