Public Enemy performed their seminal It Takes A Nation Of Millions To Hold Us Back album in its entirety at a New York show celebrating Flavor Flav’s 50th birthday on Sunday.

Public Enemy

Public Enemy

The group took over the BB Kings in Times Square and played through the 1988 album for the first time and rap icons Eric B, Melle Mel and Ice T were among the stars who joined Flavor Flav and Chuck D onstage at the special show.

Melle Mel joined Flav for a rendition of Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five's The Message, while Ice T joined the fun to rap on Night Of The Living Bassheads. Flav took the opportunity to thank Ice T for not beating him up after he crashed his Ferrari in the late 1980s.

The colourful rapper also paid tribute to his pregnant wife Liz, who he brought onstage to the cheers of fans and friends.

As we went to press, Public Enemy were set to follow their Times Square performance with an appearance on U.S. TV show Late Night With Jimmy Fallon, where they are expected to play Bring the Noise with house band the Roots.