Release: 7th May (WMTV)Transport yourself back to the days when Girl Power meant big hair, spangly leggings and woolly leg-warmers; when 3 girls stormed the charts with their perfect fun pop tunes and legendary videos.Bananarama The Greatest Hits & More More More contains 22 tracks from Britains finest female group who went on to sell over 40 million records worldwide. Bananarama are still in the record books as the 3rd most successful girl group of all time: only behind their contemporaries The Supremes and The Spice Girls.Sara Dallin, Keren Woodward and Siobhan Fahey (later replaced by Jacquie OSullivan) enjoyed success throughout the 80s both in the UK and internationally with their music. Catchy choruses, sexy and sleek dance moves and those brilliant videos helped launch the girls onto the global market. Number One singles around the world meant that they were flying the flag long before Ginger Spice. Venus, I Heard A Rumour, Love In The First Degree, Cruel Summer, Really Saying Something, Nathan Jones, Robert De Niros Waiting and More More More of their greatest hits are pulled together on this fantastic album.So, to return to a place when music was about fun and attitude, and to remember just who influenced many of todays pop artists, dust off your denim jacket, break out the hairspray and prepare to dance along, hairbrush in hand to Bananarama The Greatest Hits & More More More.