Lady Gaga's extremely fast paced lifestyle finally caught up with her last night - as she collapsed with exhaustion minutes before going on stage in the US.
The singer was forced to pull out of the show at the advice of a doctor. And it's not her health that Gaga was most concerned about - it was her fans that caused her the most upset - as she wrote on twitter: "I've been crying for hours, I feel like I let my fans down tonight. An hour before the show, I was feeling dizzy and having trouble breathing. Paramedics came to take care of me, and told me my heart rate was irregular - a result of exhaustion and dehydration. Can't apologise enough for how sorry I am.
"I could hear my fans cheering from my dressing room, I begged everyone to let me go on stage. I am so devastated. I have performed with the flu, a cold, strep throat - I would never cancel a show just based on discomfort. I hope you can forgive me. I love my little monsters more than anything, you are everything to me."
Aw, we forgive you Gaga! The world is boring place without you!
Tagged in Lady GaGa