The Vamps' Tristan Evans was a "pest" at school.

The Vamps
The 21-year-old drummer admits he was constantly in trouble when he was younger and received "detention upon detention" for his bad behaviour.
He said: "I was a pest. I was really hyperactive, would talk back to the teacher and speak to my friends when we were supposed to be working.
"I did a lot of bad things. I was rude and couldn't be bothered to do my homework. I got kicked out of class all the time and I even smashed a few windows playing football. I got detention upon detention."
While Tristan was a bad boy, his bandmate James McVey rarely got into trouble and even made friends with his teachers.
He said:" I was too good to get into any big trouble. When I wore my black converse I always got told off. Teachers hate it, but I only got a warning.
"By the end of school I'd become friends with most of the teachers and did what I was told."
Both Brad Simpson and Connor Ball confessed they mainly ran into trouble because of their laziness.
Connor said: "I never had a detention but I was lazy. I did all my homework on the bus on the way to school.
"It was a long journey though, about 45 minutes, so that's OK, isn't it?"
Brad added to Top of the Pops magazine: "I wasn't a naughty child but I did get lots of detentions for being late. I hated getting out of bed in the morning - and I still do."
Tagged in The Vamps