VH1 Big in 2015 With Entertainment Weekly aired Monday night (December 7) in America, and Nicki Minaj was named as this year's Big in Music honoree.

Nicki Minaj / Credit: FAMOUS
Nicki Minaj / Credit: FAMOUS

Celebrating some of the biggest entertainers and pop-culture memories from the past 12 months, the show gave Nicki the award which she graciously accepted with a stirring and inspirational speech.

She said: "I've never met a woman that I couldn't relate to, ever, and I hope that if I inspire a woman to do anything it's just to never take no for an answer.

"No matter what field you're in, go after your biggest dream. Do not settle. Do not allow people to tell you that you can't do anything you put your mind to."

Queen Latifah flew out to the event especially, just to present Minaj with the award, telling the rapper: "Opinionated, outspoken, oh so damn original, Nicki, you not only broke the mold, you crushed it, you set it on fire, you threw it right back in the face of any of those fools who doubted you."

Minaj said of the award-giver: "[Queen Latifah] knows what it takes to be a woman in a male-dominated field and to kick ass and to build an empire and to do it gracefully and just be multi-faceted. That's what I want all women to do."

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