Madonna has been having to use an inhaler during rehearsals for tonight's BRIT Awards.

The singer's going to take to the stage this evening at the O2 Arena in London to perform new single 'Living For Love', but has been struggling to get through her routine and so is using a vaporiser to soothe her vocal cords.
A source explained to the Daily Mirror newspaper: "She is putting all her efforts into putting on a great show. She is working every hour, day and night, to ensure it will be her part of the show that everyone will be talking and tweeting about."
Following her performance in 1995, the singer's not taken to the BRITs stage again since but is said to have shown other stars set to perform who's boss with her spacious backstage area, which includes a throne and four dressing rooms.
"There's no mistaking who the Queen of Pop is back here," the insider continued.
With a rider that includes champagne and Earl Grey tea, the star also has a boudoir including a changing room, bathroom, living room and a make-up room.
"Madonna has by far the biggest backstage area and it has been decorated especially for her. Even the wash basin is draped in silver velvet curtains. It has an incredibly regal feel to it."
Tagged in Madonna Kanye West Taylor Swift