Jess Glynne hopes her song written by Ed Sheeran helps reduce prejudice against fellow ginger people.

Jess Glynne
The British pop stars, 28, and 27, respectively, are both redheads, and their track 'Thursday' explores the pressures placed upon social media users to look a certain way.
Speaking about working on the track from her forthcoming LP 'Always Inbetween' with the 'Shape of You' hitmaker and their conversation about their shared hair colour, Jess told The Daily Telegraph newspaper: "We talked about that (being redheads).
"It's weird. I don't understand why there is such a prejudice about it in this country.
"I've definitely heard all the ginger jokes. But guys get it a lot harder. I think it affected Ed more. But maybe people like Ed and me, we're changing that. I love my hair. It is what it is, right?"
The 'Rather Be' hitmaker has admitted she has felt "insecure" about her appearance over the years.
She confessed: "In this business, you are being judged all the time.
"I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel insecure, like I wasn't good enough or pretty enough, and it wasn't enough just to have my music."
Whilst the pair were influenced by their own experience of being judged by their hair colour on the song, it's generally about the pressures young people face to post "perfect" photos of themselves on social media.
Jess explained: "Instagram and Facebook create so much pressure on kids. Nobody is perfect. People wake up and have scruffy hair and spots on their face, and that is all a part of life. I thought it was important for someone with a platform to say that."
'Always Inbetween' - the follow-up to Jess' 2015 debut LP 'I Cry When I Laugh' - is released on September 21.
Tagged in Ed Sheeran Jess Glynne