Jake Bugg

Jake Bugg

Jake Bugg admits Cara Delevingne inspired one of his new songs.

The 19-year-old rocker enjoyed a brief romance with the British model earlier this year and penned 'Pretty Lady' about their relationship, and he says he only wrote about it because other people were also doing do.

He said: "People were making up stories about it so I made mine from it."

Jake Bugg Cara Delevingne inspired one of his new songs, 'Pretty Lady',

However, 'Pretty Lady' has failed to make the final cut for his new album 'Shangri La' but Jake insists it has nothing to do with the subject matter as he feels it is healthy to be open about his feelings.

Bugg told Q magazine: "It's not because of the subject but when the final mixes came back it was one that didn't seem as strong.

"I wanted 'Pretty Lady' on there. The reason I find it hard to talk about some of these songs is because I'm not someone who really expresses how I'm feeling - which is probably why everyone thinks I'm a moody d**head. But there are cases where you write songs because you don't want to speak about the subject. If I could talk about them I would, but I write songs instead.

"So people can say what they want about that song. And it will come out as a B-side or something, I'm not scared of putting that out into the world. We all have things we might not wanna speak about it but I think it's good for my soul to get it out there."

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