Mick Fleetwood has admitted it's going to be a couple of years before Fleetwood Mac are able to release a new album, revealing that the group's hectic schedule means that their plans for a new LP have been put on-hold.

Fleetwood Mac
Speaking to ABC Radio he explained: "This whole touring stuff is getting sort of totally, in a good way, out of control. We're going all over the world now, so we don't quite know how we're gonna finish this [album] out."
However the musician did admit that they've started work on new material, adding: "We're building up this whole sort of dossier of material, a glut of stuff. [Lindsey Buckingham] has a great chunk of wonderful songs, [most of which are] pretty flushed out and finished. [I have] been in the studio with Christine in months gone by [and that] worked out amazingly well."
And although Stevie Nicks is still to confirm whether or not she'll stay with the band for another record when their current reunion tour comes to an end, Mick's feeling positive about their chances to release one which would be their first with the current line-up since 1987's multi-platinum 'Tango In The Night'.
Mick continued: "I hope it happens. My inclination is, the music will not be wasted. It will come out one way or another. And I truly hope, and I quietly believe it will be Fleetwood Mac, and Stevie will do some lovely stuff and within the next couple of years we will get that done."
Tagged in Mick Fleetwood Stevie Nicks Christine McVie