Busted's new album is the record they always wanted to make.



The 'What I Go To School For' trio - made up of Charlie Simpson, Matt Willis and James Bourne - released their fourth LP 'Half Way There' on Friday (01.02.19) and they have described it as a true return to form after getting more experimental on their 2016 effort 'Night Driver' which came almost 11 years after they first split up.

Appearing on ITV's 'This Morning', Charlie said: "We had a great time, there's a lot of fond memories. But I think doing it again now, I feel like we're having a much better time because we're completely in control with what we're doing.

"To be honest, this album has been a bit of a moment for us. We sort of made the album that never was, I feel like this is the seminal Busted album."

While the band all agreed the new LP embodies their style so much it such have been self titled - just like their 2002 debut - Matt revealed the thinking behind its name.

He explained: "It's a 'Year 3000' reference. We talk about the seventh album, and halfway through this you're half way to the seventh album. And we're kind of at that point in our lives as well, we're mid 30s, we feel like we're half way there."

The trio - who also released 'A Present For Everyone' in 2003 - are all on the "same creative page" after doing various projects over the years, with Matt and James forming McBusted with their McFly pals and Charlie recording with his post-hardcore band Fightstar as well as working on solo material.

Now, they are looking forward to the future and Matt admitted he would love it if the new collection was their first to top the UK charts.

Speaking two days before the official ranking will be revealed, he laughed:"I really want a number one album. Busted have't had a number one album, we had two number twos. Today, we're number one."