Victoria Beckham… is that a bit of a joke we hear slipping out of that mouth of yours? We never though we'd see the day!
That's a lie, we've heard in the past that Vicky B is quite a funny lady, but we just cant imagine it when she's obviously eating salad and exercising all day and never seems to smile, like, ever.
But none the less, she's ready to pop out her fourth child (please be a girl, please be a girl) and has been talking about how she isn't planning on having very many more…
Chatting to CNN, Victoria said that she wants a big family, but her real dream is to have a little girl; "[If I] don't have a girl this time, then maybe I'll be lucky enough and have a girl the next time.”
Although, when she was asked if she would have another tot with her super gorgeous husband David Beckham, she quipped; "There could be, who knows? Well, I'm not Angelina. I don't know. I mean, come on."
Watch out Posh, Angelina is my favourite!
FemaleFirst - Ruth Harrison
Tagged in Victoria Beckham