Fratellis Blast 'spoilt Brat' Allen.... Scots rockers The Fratellis have blasted Lily Allen's recent cancellation of her US tour, despite pulling their own gigs for the same reason - "exhaustion".Smile singer Allen claimed she was too tired and missed her family back in London during her US tour last month (Apr07), weeks before The Fratellis cancelled a series of Stateside gigs, also citing exhaustion.Bassist Barry Wallace says, "She's a snobby f**king brat. It's Keith Allen's daughter so what can you expect."I've never properly met here but when we were going up to collect our Brit (Award), she shouted, 'You're a robbing s**t' to John (Lawler - frontman), saying we had robbed the award from her. I've no time for the girl."A couple of times we've wanted to pack it in and go home but we've carried on for the fans who have bought tickets. Lily Allen is a different kettle of fish. She's a pop artist so she never went through two years of touring constantly to get a break."